Beyond Teams
With over 40 years in Team Development, has a great span of experience to bring to focus on your team and to the individuals within it.
If requested we will go beyond mere teams, entering individual star-quality and those personal areas of possibility, expertise and experience which can vastly out-strip mere team performance. We create courses, events and experiences which support you in achieving your aims be they creating a mixed indoor/outdoor challenge, enjoying an away-day, something competitive or non-competitive, a mental, social or physical challenge or to chill out away from the normal operating environment. Single or several days, on your premises, a site near you, on our sites (woods, moors, ocean, city or mountains), in a spectacular setting, or overseas, we have the experience. We even have a series of events using interactive web experiences! We will work with you to ensure your needs are directly and completely satisfied with a commitment to exceed your expectations. Whether your requirements are general, for example 'this team needs to work well' or more specific in terms of motivation, communication, leadership, initiative, confidence, creativity, etc., we will deliver the experience that delivers the return. |
“There were significant challenges and a lot of fun. The diversity allowed all in our team to shine - some when they did not expect to and when we did not expect them to. You have a well branded product here: Thank you!” Bob Brown, Director, British Publishing Company Ltd. Our 'Beyond Teams' programme is rather a special event. Options include: